03 May 2012

The Penthouse on Mars

I guess it's time to make a less cryptic, more press-release-y post, especially now that people around me are catching on, anyway. I suddenly have a boyfriend.

And by "suddenly," I mean, "think you're boarding an elevator, find you're on a rocket ship."

I don't tell many people the details (and I won't tell them here) because people say it happened really, really, really fast. I know, guys, I know. The thing is, every time I expected a red flag — some mental warning to be careful, some personality quirk to be careful about, some potentially insurmountable incompatibility — it just never came.

That's never, ever happened to me with a guy before. Never. I still have trouble believing it sometimes, because it's weird to hear your own instincts, which for so long told you, "wait wait wait wait," suddenly screaming, "get off your ass, girl, and GO!" Yet there's less and less of that trouble every day.

So what can I say now, except YES?