I wish we could say that the whole time, we looked like this:

L-R: our editor Ikka, me, Vikki, and Pat.
(Photo from Vikki's Facebook album. Anything else I copied and then quick-edited in picnik are marked with ^v^.)
But most of the time, we were like this:

¡¡16 pages to fill by Tuesday!!
(Elias, the Highlife creative director, is not shouting at us. I'm actually not sure what he's doing/saying in this shot. ^v^)
There were some fun moments, though. Vikki and I went swimming for maybe an hour and a half in this pool (click to enlarge), before retreating to our laptops again.
Then, after dinner, we brought our laptops to the Highlife staff's room to "relax" while doing more research. That's when the nighttime photo above was taken. For the record, none of us who had to work got drunk.
And in the morning, we got to walk around on the beach for a bit, before dragging ourselves back to our room to bang out some more werk.

More photos after the jump.

It actually rained on and off, but otherwise, the weather was great.

I took this photo of the others in the resort shuttle ...

... and ^v^ took this one of me playing the Cheshire in the back.

This is a pan of our lovely room ...
... and here's one of the beach.

I wanted to take home this birdcage lamp. The maya bird is invisible when the bulb is switched off.
Most of the photos I like were taken on the beach:


Elias took this photo of me checking out the underside of an overhang.

(^v^) I found a sand dollar among the garbage under one of the trees. It was covered in algae (?), which is, I think, why it smelled when I took it out of its plastic bag when I got home. I cleaned it with an old toothbrush.
It was actually not a bad way to spend the weekend. If BW was only located in Batangas, I think could live like that every day: work, swim, work, eat, swim, work, eat, sleep. But after the past couple of months, I could still use a break.
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