This is supposed to be a delicious mac & cheese with franks (sorry for the noise and dimness; I took this picture with my phone). It wasn't, because I didn't have flour and thought I'd use crushed Granny Goose corn chips instead. I also didn't have franks, so I used some awful processed ham that someone had given me. I thought that cooking the ham into something else would make it taste better, but I was wrong. The sweetness of the corn chips and the sweetness of the brand X ham just didn't go well with the cheese.
The original recipe was from this book:

The next time, I tried cooking this tuna and macaroni casserole and was more successful--yay!
"Pasta again, Kat?"
I don't want to buy all these different ingredients and screw up and waste food and money, okay? I know that the Betty Crocker book has all this roast pork and rum cake and what-have-you, but--baby steps.
Next time, though, I'll use more onions and pepper (which I used instead of the curry powder, because I didn't have curry powder; I also skipped adding breadcrumbs because I didn't have any. I basically read the recipes, went to the grocery, and bought what I remembered. That's why I have an unopened can of tomatoes). The recipe called for a small onion, and I didn't know what "small" meant, so I just used half of a regular red onion. I think I'll also try a different soup base, because the cream of chicken kind of overwhelmed the tuna. But it was still good, and much, much better than the previous culinary attempt.

Mixing the soup, tuna, and onions while the pasta cooked

Pasta mixed in

It worked! But does it taste good?

Yes, it does!
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